Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Siti Nur Chanje


Mempersembahkan..trend kucing terbaru..kegemokan~

Jap, close up sikit..

perot dah macam bonggol jalan..

*Chanje kata dia gemok seiring ngan kegemokkan gaga dia jugak.. "ok chanje ok..gaga terima alasan sinis tu..."

Monday, December 17, 2012




Kepala anda berdenyut sepanjang hari?

Mata anda berpinar?

Dunia anda seperti tidak stabil?

Perut tidak selesa?

Berasa loya?

Jawapan saya:


Dan ianya tak best langsung.. Nak EL.. Please~ =(









*suke paksa orang tau..benci ='(

Friday, December 7, 2012

9GAG Stuff


Just some 9GAG post.. =D

true huh??

Thursday, November 22, 2012

To All The Sahabat n Sahabats =)


"najwa najwa, awak tak yah make up la..awak tak make up lagi somell..'' =P

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Its Raining..


Missing those moments... =' )

Monday, October 22, 2012


............  who cares??

*ada fax masuk...alaaaaaa =(


Monday, October 15, 2012



"Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, jika memang bukan rezeki ku untuk menjaga makhlukMu yang ohsem ini Ya Allah, Kau tawarkanlah hatiku dari memilikinya..Kau hindarkanlah aku dari segala perkara yang membuatku semakin makin suka padanya Ya Allah..Sesungguhnya Kau yang maha mengetahui segala yang tersembunyi...Amin..."

Friday, October 12, 2012

Inginkan Tangan yang Mulus? =p


Memperkenalkan produk terbaru yang berada dalam koleksi penjagaan tangan dari Kotak Sakti Cik Fauziah!!!! =)

Crabtree & Evelyn Hand Care Collection-Avocado, Olive & Basil =D

Kite tengok dalam dia pulak keh. Jeng jeng jeng!

Macam tiub ubat gigi.. -__-'' Jom baca review dia..

Discover the beauty of richly conditioned and silky smooth hands with our award-winning Ultra-Moisturising Hand Therapy. Contains ceramides that help hands retain moisture for exceptional softness with each use, along with conditioning shea butter and basil and olive extracts, nourishing avocado butter, and moisturising macadamia nut and olive oils. 
Formulated without colour, parabens, phthalates, mineral oil, and propylene glycol. 
Fragrance: A green herbal scent featuring crisp notes of lemon, energising cypress, and vibrant accords of avocado and olive blossoms.

Begitu beria sekali ayat mereka. =D

Overall lotion ni ok..tak oily and greasy sangat. Tahan lama once apply kat tangan. Bau dia pon tak kuat sangat, nice nice jew chu oolllss.. Mak suke sangat..awww~

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Pelangi Senja - Stacy


Ku bermimpi engkau kembali
Wajah tenang kau berkata
Sayang aku cinta

Namun kita takkan bersama
Dikau pergi takkan kembali
Sesal ku kecewa

Wahai sang pelangi indah
Muncul seketika sayang tak ku lihat
Kini tiada ohhhh

Ku terjaga
Dari mimpi lena
Sedang pipi di basahi
Tangis ku sendiri

Merintih perasaan ini
Tiada kata mampu di ungkap
Tiada yang mengerti

Wahai sang pelangi indah
Muncul seketika
Sayang tak ku lihat
Kini tiada ohhh

Jika mampu ku kembali
Mengulangi masa
Pasti ku tunaikan permintaan terakhir

Kini hanya tinggal kenangan
Hanya waktu menentukan
Kita kan bersama

p/s: Muat Turun Nada Dering Pemanggil - Pelangi Senja
      Maxis-Dail *131*235702# dan tekan CALL *Terma dan syarat di  -___-''

Friday, October 5, 2012

Im Touched...


The beautiful day....


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Ah Ha! =)


Jumpa ni dekat YouTube seperti biasa..

Awww~ so cute =D

Boleh try lepas ni. Hew hew hew

*Wondermilk anyone??

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Harta Karun Zaman Sekolah


Tadi selongkar laci rumah nak cari selotape tiba tiba terjumpa ni..

Hehe.. Koleksi CD cetak rompak time time sekolah dulu. Ayah bagi duit tiap hari RM5, makan dalam RM 1-2 je..baki kumpul buat beli CD..hew hew hew

Antara CD peberet, Madagascar, Windstruck, Sinbad ntah ape ntah lagi..Boleh layan balik la lepas ni..agagaga

*Gua nak post menate ni dari hari sabtu beb, tapi hp ni menyakitkat hati sebab tak boleh upload pic..geram kan?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012



Tak nak cakap banyak.

*Harini hari kereta pak cik tu rosak, mana tau esok lusa kereta aku pulak. Sabar je lah.....

Monday, September 24, 2012

Huk Huk Huk ='(


Tadi mak call.. ''Along, mak dah bawak chanje balik Johor ni..kitorang otw dah..chanje ok je kat belakang tu..nanti mak kawankan dia dengan citam kat kampung..'' *latar belakang ada suara chanje mengiow ngiow..

Mak terus bawak balik lepas cakap nak bawak balik chanje pagi tadi? Takde 2nd notice pon..... ='(

'Chanje jangan hilang kat kampung okeh..nanti gaga balik bawak chanje jadi kucing KL yang angkuh lagi...Gaga rindu chanje sangat sangat sangat sangat sangat........huwaaa!!!! Benci i tau... '



Pernahkan anda terlewat? Pernahkah anda lewat dengan sengaja? Pernah? 

Saya selalu gila lewat. Selalu lewat sangat yang gila selalu. Tak kira apa keadaan sekali pun. Sebagai contoh, lambat masuk kerja, lambat bersiap, lambat gila makan, lambat pickup, lambat kat majlis kahwin sendiri dan lambat segalanya. Itu semua lambat yang tidak sengaja. Manakala lambat yang sengaja pula ialah lambat masuk kerja, lambat bersiap, lambat gila makan, lambat pickup, lambat kat majlis kahwin sendiri dan lambat segalanya. Ehem. (ok lambat majlis kahwin tu tak sengaja. sumpah)

Mengapakah kita (@ secara khusus, SAYA) lewat? Persoalan ini sehingga kini belum boleh saya rungkaikan. Tetapi merujuk kepada buku Never Be Late Again: 7 Cures for the Punctually Challenged,yang telah ditulis oleh Diana DeLonzor, terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan seseorang itu lambat. Antaranya ialah: 

Liking the adrenaline surge that comes with rushing
This is Soooooooooooooooo true!! Seorang kawan pernah bertanya ketika saya lambat untuk masuk ke dewan kuliah bagi menghantar tugasan kepada pensyarah "memang suka buat kerja last minit rushing rushing ea?" saya jawab "yeah, i love the adrenalin" =)

Oh well, u know me... (muka belagak)

Getting distracted easily
Situasi sebenar:  Sedang bersiap untuk ke pejabat dipagi hari. 

Gangguan        :  Si comel Chanje (my cat) lalu depan bilik.

Tindakan         :  Lantas mengambil chanje lalu digendong kesana kemari sehingga chanje annoying dengan perangai tuan dia dan melompat turun. -sambung bersiap semula-

Kesimpulan     : Teori si Diana DeLonzor ni memang betul. -__-"

Kalau nak baca lagi pasal ni silalah beli buku beliau keh. Ada kat MPH. 

*Tapi harini saya lambat pasal jalan jem sangat. Betul ni. Tak tipu. Em....

Friday, September 21, 2012

Taylor Swift vs. Awek Korea


YouTube walking again.. Biasa la, kerja banyak sangat lepas tu siap cepat sangat, masa pon banyak terluang. ehem. Jumpa video ni..

Awek sape ni? Sila angkat kaki dari sini. huh! (ok fine, awek ni memang comel~) cover diorang lagi sedap banding dengan penyanyi asal. Sebab suara awek korea ni (eh, korea ke?) lagi macam husky gitu.. awww~ ni video asal kalau nak bandingkan..

Kan kan kan? Lagi sedap yang cover kan.. Tu la, i cakap u tanak caye kan nyer pun..huh!

* kalau buat versi awek korea tu lullaby masa tidur, dok bayang diorang main gitar sambil nyanyi tepi katil.. fuu~ lentok mak nox..   XD

Result Sem 3 yang Ala Kadar



Thursday, September 20, 2012

Personality vs. Blood Type


Jalan punya jalan punya jalan dekat FB terjumpa pic ni. Alah semomel nyer atun iyea. Mesti korang paham kan masej yang nak disampaikan? ok lah, aku tak yah la bebel panjang-panjang lagi. babai~


Ok,berbalik kat gambar yang kat atas tu tadi. Diorang cakap manusia yang berdarah type-B adalah seseorang yang berterus terang dan itu merupakan kelebihan dan juga kelemahan mereka. Ce google ce google tengok betul ke tak..

Ok, aku tau korang malas nak google, so abaikan je. Meh baca googlisma yang aku jumpa ni. (apekah googlisma tu?)

Blood Type B's often described themselves in ways related to the following characteristics: subjective, easygoing, creative, original and flexible. In another study, Type B's scored significantly higher on "intuiting," indicating a preference or sixth sense information; and they scored high on the "intuiting/feeling" combination, indicating that they tend to be insightful, mystical, idealistic, creative, globally-oriented, people-oriented and good at imagining. They also reported that they learned best through listening, then reflecting on and interpreting what they had observed. Perhaps the nomadic life of the steppes contributed to long hours given over to talk as well as ample time for meditation and reflection. Type B's can be very goal-oriented and often complete the ambitious tasks set before them. Outgoing and very charming, you’re good at reading people and providing support. Though critical of appearance (but not your own), you aren’t picky and are unlikely to dwell over the little things.
Type Bs are impulsive individualists who often create their own path in life. You are very strong and optimistic. B is most compatible with B and AB lovers. Common career choices: cook, hairdresser, military leader, talk show host, and journalist. Blood type B individuals tend to be balanced: thoughtful like A's and yet ambitious like O's. They are empathetic, easily understanding others' points of view, yet often hesitating to challenge or confront. Chameleon-like and flexible, they make good friends.

Uuu~ speaking u olls~~
Part mana yang dia cakap type-B ni bila cakap straight to the point? TIADA yea adik adik..(ok, aku rasa gambar tu tipu aku. vravri~) Ok lupakan..meh aku share personality traits blood type lain lak.

Type As most often described themselves in ways related to the following characteristics: sensitive to the needs of others, good listeners, detail oriented, analytical, creative and inventive. Type As may seem calm on the outside, but inside, you’re filled with anxiety and worry. You’re perfectionists and often shy and sensitive. Usually introverted, you’re stable and thoughtful. You make good listeners and are sensitive to color and your surroundings. You like to be fashionable and are up on the latest trends, but never flashy or gaudy. You like romantic settings and often shun reality for fantasy worlds. A is most compatible with A and AB in the love department. Common career choices: accountant, librarian, economist, writer, computer programmer, and gossip columnist.
Blood Type A - Tend to be cooperative, sensitive, clever, passionate and smart. Often bottling up anxiety in order to get along with others, they may hold in their emotions until they explode. Many are tense, impatient and unable to sleep well. While they are capable of leadership positions, they may not take them because the stress is not good for their tightly wired systems.

Type O’s most often described themselves in ways related to the following characteristics; responsible, decisive, organized, objective, rule-conscious, and practical. Both male and female Type O’s reported a higher percentage of the mesomorphic body type when compared to controls. Interestingly, Type O’s also scored significantly higher than the rest in “sensing” – using the 5 senses to gather information, and in the sensing-thinking combination, indicating that they are more detail and fact oriented, logical, precise and orderly.
Type O's are the social butterflies. Often popular and self-confident, you are very creative and always seem to be the center of attention. You make a good impression on people and you’re often quite attractive. Organized and determined, your stubbornness will help you reach your goals. You make good leaders. Lovewise, O is most compatible with O and AB. Common career choices: banker, politician, gambler, minister, investment broker, and pro athlete. Blood Type O - Tend to be loners or leaders and are intuitive, focused, self-reliant and daring. They handle stress better than other blood types and have strong immune systems, a well developed physique and a physically active nature. 

Type AB often receives mixed messages about emotional health. While you tend to be drawn to other people and are friendly and trusting, there is a side of you that feels alienated from the larger community. At your best, you are intuitive and spiritual, with an ability to look beyond the rigid confines of society. You are passionate in your beliefs, but you also want to be liked by others and this can create conflicts. In an independent study, Type ABs described themselves as emotional, passionate, friendly, trusting and empathetic. Type ABs are considered some of the most interesting of the blood types, both John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe were Type ABs and although both are long gone, they hold a place in our national psyche to this day. Not surprisingly, ABs can be quite dualistic, possessing both A and B traits. You may be shy and outgoing, and hesitant and confident. You often stand out from others, don’t like labels, and are nice and easy going. You are logical and determined to do things correctly. Usually trustworthy, you like to help others. You often speak in a serious manner. Your patience, concentration, and intelligence are admirable. AB can find a soul mate with any other blood type. Common career choices: bartender, lawyer, teacher, sales representative, and social worker.
Blood Type AB - Tend to be very charming and popular. They don't sweat the small stuff and can be seen as spiritual and even at times a bit "flaky". Only about 2 - 5% of the population are blood type AB. There is never a dull moment in a AB's life, so if you find one for a friend, consider yourself lucky! Youll enjoy some exciting times together! Sometimes it is difficult to be an AB. AB's don't like to fit in anyone else's "boxes". If they feel too confined, they'll break out of that box and do things their own way. 

Tu dia.. Baca lah sendiri yea...korang blood type ape?hehe
*mahsuri darah putih..ha..acane tu cik?

Stupidity =D


I found this on the internet this morning. Couldnt help sharing it!

In case you needed further proof that the human race is doomed to stupidity, here are some actual label instructions on consumer goods:

On a Sears hairdryer -- Do not use while sleeping.
(Shoot, and that's the only time I have to work on my hair.)

On a bag of Fritos -- You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside.
(the shoplifter special)?

On a bar of Dial soap -- "Directions: Use like regular soap,"
(and that would be how???....)

On some Swanson frozen dinners -- "Serving suggestion: Defrost."
(but, it's "just" a suggestion).

On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom) -- "Do not turn upside down."
(well...duh, a bit late, huh)!

On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding -- "Product will be hot after heating."
(...and you thought????...)

On packaging for a Rowena iron -- "Do not iron clothes on body."
(but wouldn't this save me more time)?

On Boot's Children Cough Medicine -- "Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication."
(We could do a lot to reduce the rate of construction accidents if we could just get those 5-year-olds with head-colds off those forklifts.)

On Nytol Sleep Aid -- "Warning: May cause drowsiness."
(and...I'm taking this because???....)

On most brands of Christmas lights -- "For indoor or outdoor use only."
(as opposed to...what)?

On a Japanese food processor -- "Not to be used for the other use."
(now, somebody out there, help me on this. I'm a bit curious)

On Sainsbury's peanuts -- "Warning: contains nuts."
(talk about a news flash)

On an American Airlines packet of nuts -- "Instructions: Open packet, eat nuts."
(Step 3: maybe, Delta?)

On a child's Superman costume -- "Wearing of this garment does not enable you to fly."
(I don't blame the company. I blame the parents for this one.)

On a Swedish chainsaw -- "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
(Oh my ..was there a lot of this happening somewhere?)

Now that you've smiled at least once, it's your turn to spread the stupidity.

LOL!!!  XD

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bicara Bulan


Tetaplah memandang ke langit dan bulan yang sama.......

Friday, September 14, 2012



Saya mahu berkongsi keredhaan seorang insan yang menyentuh hati saya..ini status yang ditulis oleh beliau..

 " InsyaAllah, bila kita ikhlas, bila kita redha. dan bila kita berdoa, supaya dia diberi kebahagiaan dunia dan akhirat. dan bila kita berharap, dia akan hidup aman bahagia dengan dia yang telah Allah takdirkan untuk dia, maka rasa sakit ditinggal itu akan hilang. rasa sunyi dan kehilangan itu akan terubat. Bukan, bukan semestinya dengan kehadiran seseorang sebagai pengganti, tetapi berkat doa kita pada seseorang yang kita sayangi, dan kerana keredhaan kita pada ketentuan Ilahi. Allah akan ganti segala rasa lompong dan luka dalam hati. itulah hadiah-NYA pada kita yang terima takdir Ilahi.. InsyaAllah, tak mudah, tak siapa pernah mengatakan itu mudah. tapi itulah antara usaha mengubat luka dan patah hati, atau kecewa. redha. dan berdamai dengan takdir-NYA. sampai saat dan masanya, kita akan mengerti, ada perkara memang sudah termaktub akan terjadi, dan kita harus berhenti memaksa ia menjadi seperti apa yang kita ingini. ;’) berdamailah dengan takdir, dan segala rasa yang berkocak dalam jiwa. masing-masing cuma mahu bahagia bukan? "

 *saya berharap saya akan mempunyai hati sekuat itu. =')

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Be Honest


Answer this..will you?

p/s: I had a dream last night and i wake up smiling to myself.. =)

**nothing to do with this picture. hihi

Monday, September 10, 2012

Ketika Ini


Ini ialah rainbow ice cream. Tapi saya tak nak yang vogue macam ni. Saya nak yang walls punye je. Yang ada jual kat petronas tu. Boleh tak cik?? pehlissssss~ 

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Hikmah Tersembunyi


Kadang-kala kita merasa kita tak diperlakukan dengan adil apabila kita tidak dapat memiliki apa yang kita mahukan. Keluarga,kawan-kawan malah Maha Pencipta juga menjadi penyebab ketidak-puas-hatian itu. Tatapi haruslah diingatkan bahawa,setiap kejadian yang terjadi dimuka bumi ini ada hikmahnya. Walaupun hanya sehelai daun kering yang gugur dari pohonnya. Begitu juga setiap kejadian yang terjadi di dalam plot kehidupan setiap pelakon didunia sementara ini.

Setiap manusia mencari kesempurnaan di dalam kehidupan. Namun kadang-kala ketidaksempurnaan itu tetap hadir.Dan di dalam kesibukkan mencari kesempurnaan. manusia terlupa akan ujian yang didatangkan oleh Allah S.W.T untuk menguji keimanan hambanya.namun, ia tetap akan menjadi sebahagian kesempurnaan yang manusia sering terlupa.

"Redhakan lah hatiku jika ini yang terbaik yang Kau susun untukku.." =')

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Semoga Mimpi Indah


Tajuk langsung tak sinonim dengan post. So what??

Updating a blog from this konon-konon-canggih-tapi-haprak-phone buat gua nampak blog ni kecik besar je der. Lebih lagi selepas sejam menerai (men-try) nk login sebab tak ingat email and password blog ni. It happens every time sebenarnya. then give up, recover password sudeyh.

p/s: semoga esok akan diupdate lagi blog terabai ni.. =)